How Process, Software and Culture Can Elevate Your Appraisal Business

If you’re like many commercial fee appraisers, you might be thinking about closing your doors. Selling to a national firm. Maybe you’ve already sold. Congratulations! To those who haven’t, read on. You’ve had your company for decades but you’ve run out of gas. Tired of the management. Tired of worrying about keeping your appraisers busy. […]
Data Privacy – Your Data is Your Data

Transaction data is vital for valuation departments and has a multitude of valuable uses from general decision making, to portfolio review and testing, predictive analytics, industry behavior and trends, underwriting support, making better and faster decisions, indexing, and more. At Realwired, we 100% believe that the data that is accumulated as part of your workflow […]
Why are you an appraiser?

Appraisers: The Underappreciated Guardians of Real Estate Equity

Success is about being consistently good, not occasionally great. Based on that definition, appraisers have succeeded. Problem is, the “public” doesn’t really understand the consistent effort that goes into solid valuation. It’s A LOT of work. Appraiser work hard to not make mistakes. Always doing the right thing. Quietly going about our business, protecting collateral. […]
Unlock your appraiser focus

The appraisal process has historically been one of the slowest parts of getting a loan. A transformative mindset requires a status quo change. It requires a new focus. Many commercial appraisers are stuck in word-processing-land, the manual copy/paste, rather than focusing on the valuation. Bank appraisers are distracted with juggling so many different tasks, bogged […]
Now’s the time to take the time

Since appraisal volume has grinded to a halt, it’s a great time to take the time to improve how you order, create or review appraisals. Appraisers, we’re a funny bunch. When we’re busy, we secretly love it. When things have slowed, like today, we get nervous. Instead of getting anxious, we should double down on […]