The need for speed

“Hard work isn’t enough, and more work is never the real answer.” So how do fee and bank appraisers get off the hamster wheel of work? Appraiser are all so busy. We tend to be in chronic work mode, rarely looking up to set goals. What’s the solution? It’s the need for speed. Speed to […]
You’re good at what you do

Appraisers are the smartest people in the room when it comes to real estate. Then why do we receive so few kudos? How do you know if you’re doing a good job if your only feedback tends to be complaints? Where do you get positive commends for all the work you do? Where’s the high […]
C-Suite mistake, ignoring the appraisal department

Why transformation for banks is NOW urgent. CEO and CFOs are now understanding the cost of ignoring their appraisal department. Historically, it’s taken a backseat to the lending side, the sales folks of the bank. However, a holistic view of the competitive nature of banking from a digital transformation perspective suggests ignoring the department can […]
Appraisers. Go on vacation.

It’s time. That last appraisal is done. Review completed. Vacation scheduled. It’s go time. There’re few professionals that need a vacation more than appraisers. Most haven’t taken a vacation in 3+ years. That’s way too long to wait to recharge. Everyone needs time off, even if it’s just a long weekend. Sometimes vacations involve lots […]
Do something

What’s being ignored in your appraisal department? Maybe it’s taking time to implement an appraisal ordering platform. As an appraisal firm owner, maybe it’s thinking you’ll get around to report writing but never do. What’s the negative consequences of inaction? Unfinished business Do you ever get frustrated at unfinished tasks? Does it bug you? Are […]
How to Lead When Your Team Is Exhausted

Leading your bank’s appraisal department or appraisal firm, are you working 10-hour days, but don’t have time to get everything done? Maybe always saying “I’m swamped” is really a call to re-evaluate your leadership style. Are you currently at a breaking point? Is your team ready to jump ship? Clear your leadership lens The Arbinger […]