Want to bet?

Another day, another appraisal. Repeat. If there’s a new appraisal manager in your department, what’s the first thing they’ll change? Ask the same question if you sold your appraisal firm. Would they run it exactly the same way? Bet money on that? Better decisions Annie Duke is the author of Thinking in Bets: Making Smarter […]
Stuck at the office

As a fee or bank appraiser, do you feel stuck in chronic work mode? When’s the last time you’ve had a vacation? Fee appraisers are struggling to keep up with the current workload. Some bank presidents and C-Suite leadership aren’t fully aware that many appraisal departments are understaffed and overworked. Getting unstuck is a fantastic […]
One Thing

Stop putting out daily fires. What would it feel like it if you could fix ONE THING at work? The thing that bugs you the most. What happens if you don’t do anything different and just keep plowing? Fatigue. Disengagement. Boredom. As a fee or bank appraiser, we face strengthening headwinds, growing appraisal volume, under-staffed […]
Perfectionism leaves no room for iteration

Many say commercial appraising is an art but what does that really mean? Art can be defined as using imagination and creative skills, but with appraising, it has more to do with skill or craft. The valuation art can be suppressed due to the lack of time to do your job properly. Often, we’re bogged […]
Appraiser’s superpower

Commercial appraiser’s superpower is asking questions. The questions provide master-level due diligence for buyers and investors of real estate and help banks understand collateral risk. Let’s take one typical sentence from a commercial appraisal. Then let’s ask questions. To save space, the questions are presented in one long paragraph with incorrect punctuation Jack Kerouac-style. I […]
Up to the next level

When’s the last time you’ve done something for the first time? In your valuation career, what year are you operating? Repeating ideas and processes from years ago? Time for next level? So much stuff This week, we moved our offices after 25+ years. After hiring a moving company with four guys for two days; I […]