Appraiser trust

Appraisers don’t provide appraisals, they provide trust. Fee appraiser or bank appraiser, it’s all you got. Trust is created through leadership resulting in employees loving their career. Make appraising fun. Provide confidence USPAP is voluminous. Don Quixote long. Why’s that? Commercial appraisals are often 100+ pages just to report one number. I was talking […]
Put a ring on it

Have you ever noticed we call our contracts “engagement” letters? Regardless, it’s the start of a contractual relationship between fee and bank appraisers. What’s something that may strain the relationship? Reviews. Has this ever happened to you? To be clear, most reviews are performed well. However, the appraiser-bank relationship can be lost over one review […]
Another 50+ hour week

Appraisal departments are “fighting huge fires internally.” The workload is “killing us right now.” Did you think at this point in your career you’d be working this hard? In a word, exhausted. I get it, working in the appraisal department in your bank, you can work around platforms that don’t align with your internal processes. […]
Find, engage and retain

Appraisers, what’s your hiring strategy? Are you optimistic you can handle your 2022 appraisal volume? Last week Tampa had its Mardi Gras-like party called Gasparilla. It’s where 1,000s of pirates take over the city. There’s a large boat invasion, parades, tons of beads, libations and fun. So, after a weekend in full pirate gear, “What […]
Where do appraisers go to become leaders

How well do you think your appraisal department is doing providing excellent customer success for the lending side? Appraisers are amazing at determining market value, but often at the expense of the business side. It takes leadership to find the time to improve your processes and not be singularly focused on reviewing and ordering appraisals. […]
Find good appraisers for your panel

Appraisers have stopped calling. Appraisal managers and chief appraisers used to hate to get the call, “Can I get on your approved appraiser list?” That’s no longer the case. The phone stopped ringing. No one is calling asking to be added to your fee panel. How low can it go The obvious answer is declining […]