Collateral still matters

Lady Justice carrying a sword and set of scales reflects a symbol of U.S. courthouses. The blindfold represents objectivity and impartiality. With the unprecedented health and economic crisis bringing marching orders to help individuals and companies get much needed funding fast; there’s a lot of uncertainly around the impact on valuations of collateral. Some fear […]
Do This Now

Just before we made the decision for all employees to work remotely due to the COVID – 19 outbreak, our company held our annual strategic planning. And when I say “just before” I literally mean the day before. A big part of that planning was a group exercise that I’m sure many of you have […]
Three ways to improve appraisal quality

Crucial Data Most of the information analyzed in an appraisal report is gathered by the appraiser in his/her research. But some property-specific data must be provided to the appraiser by either the bank or the borrower. Appraisers have contracted deadlines, and when crucial property data cannot be obtained they will complete the report will without […]
How to Move Through Crisis & Confusion to a Better, New Normal.

I hope you’re well and weathering these unprecedented times. I hope you find ways and the time to thank those who are on the frontline of helping us all get through this. I also hope that as you are abiding by the stay in place and distancing rules, you are doing your best to find […]
Work Less Get More Done

Well here we are. Smack in the middle of a global pandemic. I send wishes of good health to all of you! I thought it might be interesting to take a look into how we work in light of so much of the workforce now being asked to work from home. Here’s what I know […]
Commercial Evaluations, A Perspective

Commercial Evaluations are being prepared by in-house bank staff, brokers, accountants, AMCs and third party vendors. Noticeably absent are commercial appraisers, the professionals best suited to provide credible Evaluations. Why appraisers? Competence, credibility, reliability, ethics and independent, to name a few. Only about 20% of appraisers (smaller firms) currently provide Commercial Evaluations for their bank […]