Help banks make more loans with confidence

The appraisal department is a pivotal player that can bridge the gap between sound collateral protection and lenders making more loans safely. What if there was a way to harmonize these two seemingly divergent objectives? Let’s find a way. Now, imagine if our appraisal department could wear both hats effectively. Beyond just assessing value, what […]
Digital Lag in Banking: Overlooking the Appraisal Department

The term “digital transformation” has been a buzzword in the banking sector for quite some time. While the industry has largely embraced technology, particularly in areas such as lending and fintech, there is one sector that often gets overlooked: the appraisal department. This is surprising given the significant role appraisals play in real estate and […]
Appraisal Department More Than Just Necessary

A Chief Appraiser friend of mine sometimes laments that the C-suite and lenders perceived him as a regulatory hurdle to overcome rather than a valuable resource. But, he and his team were determined to change that perception. Seth Godin’s book, Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable reminds us not be invisible. A Purple […]
Leading as Chief Appraiser in a Shifting Banking Landscape

Inspiring Teams and Embracing Innovation for Lasting Success Today I want to talk about the exciting role of Chief Appraiser at a bank and the incredible journey that lies ahead. As we embark on this mission, remember it all starts with why. 1. Finding Purpose in Technology In this rapidly changing world, technology has become […]
Knowing When It’s Time to Leave Your Software Provider

After you choose an appraisal management software provider, you expect excellent customer service. But what happens after onboarding? Crickets? Maybe you get custom features and responsive service but only if you’re a huge bank. But what about everybody else? It comes a point where you continue or give up. The Tipping Point of Trust The […]
Overlooked Success: US Banks’ Resilient CRE Holdings

Is there cause for concern in CRE collateral? Absolutely. It’s a cyclical product, no surprise there. We’ve been on an appreciation tear for a long time. In a world focused on clicks and views, what’s your personal cost reading daily negative news? Take pause and appreciate the stress test resilience displayed by US banks in […]