Realwired’s 2023 Wrap Up

AI Hallucinations in Appraisals

Commercial appraisals in your bank have some AI content. Some Chief Appraisers have changed their engagement letters to mandate reports to disclose AI-generated content. That makes sense since AI hallucinations are hard to spot. Especially since AI confidently states things that are otherwise fantasy. In 2024, a few national appraisal firms are planning for extensive […]
Thank you for being a client

Our Realwired team just wrapped up our quarterly strategic meeting, asking the North Star question, “How do we make our Chief Appraiser clients look great with YouConnect?” Our 2024 tech roadmap is loaded with client-requested new features. We listen to you. Here’s what we hear from clients: “You have to weigh what you have today […]
From Novice to Expert: Chief Appraisers’ Journey to Excellence

Some Chief Appraisers were thrown into their role. The role carries significant responsibilities, as it directly impacts a bank’s risk assessment and lending decisions. Some lacked an appraisal background which added a steep learning curve. Also, what does success look like for a new Chief Appraiser? Stepping into the role of Chief Appraiser in a […]
10 Budget Strategies for Chief Appraisers

When your bank says “no new initiatives” does that mean all productivity ideation halts? Reframe “no new initiatives” into a “train in the off-season” mindset. Be a leader for your team. Limited resources can curb banks’ innovation and competitiveness. Your appraisal management technology partner is potentially key to bridging the gap. When a Chief Appraiser […]
Trust Me, I’m an Appraiser

Trusting an appraiser means trusting in the integrity of the real estate market. Trust is the cornerstone of the appraisal profession. How would the stakeholders rate us? Reputation is everything for fee and bank appraisers. Trust is the new currency. Appraisals are a precision product. Impartiality and adherence to professional standards is our special power. […]