Let it go

When a commercial fee appraiser gets a reviewer’s email, they say “Awesome!” No. Never. The reviewer’s email is often met with the five stages of review: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance (DABDA). This is a colossal waste of time. We can do better. Let’s focus on the productive risk management outcomes with effective reviews. […]
Come together

Is it time to step outside of our box? We’re not just bank appraisers.Bank appraisers are more than what’s between the covers of an appraisal. We’re risk managers. We’re not just fee appraisers.Fee appraisers are more than vendors. We’re due diligence experts. We’re both responsible for defining the risk management objectives that our team delivers […]
The water cooler is dead

As the owner of an appraisal firm or appraisal manager of your department, you can no longer manage with the Ronco Rotisserie oven slogan, “Set it and forget it.” Your people need something different to be productive. The rules of the race have changed. If you surveyed your people, I’m betting 90% want to work […]
Who’s on your crew

Bank and fee appraisers are siloed. There’s little time to collaborate with new productive ideas including leveraging technology for your firm or appraisal department. The result? Working a lot. No vacations. No bueno. Did you ever think you’d be working this hard in your career? Race day My wife and I recently completed a sailing […]
Where are we going

The valuation industry has reached a fork in the road. The appraiser shortage is happening right now. Those remaining in the field are struggling with the current workload, fee and bank appraisers alike. It’s not getting easier. No longer can we afford to stay in chronic busy mode. It’s time to help our industry succeed. […]
Appraising is a great career

Demand and opportunity have arrived for fee and bank appraisers. It’s time for us to show the way for new talent with a rebranding of our valuation industry. Abundance mindset: I’ll be a supervisor, provide a framework for success and leverage opportunity. Scarcity mindset: I don’t want to be a supervisor; they’ll just leave after […]