Times of Turbulence

I hope this finds you and those you love, well. There’s few of us who aren’t a bit stressed and maybe frustrated, but please bear with me as I share with you why I’m impressed with our society and even excited to see how we apply what we’ve learned about ourselves, our families, our co-workers […]
Do This Now

Just before we made the decision for all employees to work remotely due to the COVID – 19 outbreak, our company held our annual strategic planning. And when I say “just before” I literally mean the day before. A big part of that planning was a group exercise that I’m sure many of you have […]
How to Move Through Crisis & Confusion to a Better, New Normal.

I hope you’re well and weathering these unprecedented times. I hope you find ways and the time to thank those who are on the frontline of helping us all get through this. I also hope that as you are abiding by the stay in place and distancing rules, you are doing your best to find […]
Work Less Get More Done

Well here we are. Smack in the middle of a global pandemic. I send wishes of good health to all of you! I thought it might be interesting to take a look into how we work in light of so much of the workforce now being asked to work from home. Here’s what I know […]
What the Corona Virus Teaches About Trust

In my last conversation with you I spoke about one of my favorite topics, trust. I truly believe it is the holy grail and yet it also sometimes seems like a unicorn. Coincidentally, since we were last together, the Corona Virus which causes COVID-19, has arrived on the global stage and boy oh boy the […]
Can I tell you a story?
You’ve heard me talk about the power of stories. They are truly how us humans communicate best and have done so even before we had the spoken word. I’d like to tell you the story of why my company’s tag line is and has been, “Truth is the New Currency”. And I hope after you’ve […]