Why are you an appraiser?
Has your passion for appraising been replaced with fatigue? “Working hard for something we don’t care about is called stress; working hard for something we love is called passion.” Simon Sinek nails it. Why are you an appraiser? Are you at the “rinse and repeat” stage of your career? If so, you may be experiencing copious amounts of stress and feeling overworked. What’s the upside if […]
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
Appraiser IQ can be significantly improved if bank and fee appraisers get together. Talk. Not email. Appraisers in and outside of financial institutions have been siloed for years. Alone at their desk with their keyboard, mouse and HP12c. As an appraiser, the most valuable skill to master for extraordinary results is collaboration. It’s been about a decade since many chief appraisers talked to their fee panel. This is […]
Profitability and Process
Progressive financial institutions are making significant investment in technology. Those that delay don’t truly understand the efficiencies gained through implementing software solutions. Many appraisal departments are so busy they have little time to create, let alone execute a strategy. What’s your game plan? It comes down to technology and process. Ability to execute strategy Take an audit of your […]
Is that appraisal good or bad?
Does your appraisal department make mistakes? It’s embarrassing to be wrong especially if its pushback from your RM or LO. Determine the productivity and happiness of your (often over-worked) staff. Can an appraisal workflow platform like YouConnect help? Progressive financial institutions are making significant investments in technology. Those that delay don’t truly understand the efficiencies gained through implementing software solutions. Julia Galef […]
The future is clear for those who care to look
Can you see a future where: Your appraisal department hits their SLAs. Can you see a future where: Your appraisal firm delivers reports your clients want. If your people aren’t drafting behind you, are they exhausted? As the lead “cyclist” of your appraisal department, are you helping pull your staff to success? Do you have YouConnect, the best appraisal and environmental workflow for […]
Is appraisal bias conclusive?
I’ve written about appraisal bias, specifically the importance of the valuation community to participate in the narrative. Regardless of how appraisers feel about the issue, it doesn’t matter. What matters is for us to seize the opportunity to be part of the conversation. Financial Institution Valuation Advisors At FIVA (Financial Institution Valuation Advisors) we have had two webinars on the appraisal bias issue. The speakers included Peter Christensen […]