Appraiser Mojo

“OMG, you’re an appraiser? That’s AMAZING!” I hear this all the time…no…never. But why not?   Mojo is that exact time when you do something powerful, purposeful and impactful. You can feel it. Others can see it. It’s more than just being cool. It’s having your appraisal department run like a Tesla. Tasks sequenced perfectly. Workflow Master. Total transparency.  How insufficient is enough?  It’s hard to have mojo if you lack […]

Appraisal department overload

Appraisal departments: absolutely swamped, understaffed, not enough people on my team, overwhelmed, don’t have the time, doing a job that’s meant for two people, working the weekends…in a word, buried.  Many new appraisal managers recently left the fee world and are trying to figure out their position. That’s a difficult transition from creating appraisals to […]

Appraiser shortage, do you feel it?

Many commercial fee appraisers are currently turning down jobs. They’re reducing their coverage areas. Cherry picking the easier jobs. Increasing fees. That’s the case in July 2021. Many chief appraisers and appraisal managers have said they have never seen turn times this long from their vendors.   We’re talking 4-6 weeks for commercial and 3-4 weeks for residential. Is there a capacity issue or a productivity issue? The cost of […]

What brings you here today?

“I work hard creating my appraisals; it frustrates me when reviewers ask for a bunch of revisions for a low fee.” – commercial fee appraiser. “It’s hard enough to manage high appraisal volume; today I have to deal with lender push back.” – chief appraiser.  If fee appraisers and chief appraisers were on the psychologist couch, they would likely […]

You can’t start a fire without a spark

Bad habits can show up as long hours at the office and weekend work. Good habits, software and well-implemented processes equals vacations. Most fee appraisers and chief appraisers haven’t had a vacation in what feels like forever. Overworked. Under appreciated. “Oh look, another report is due, let me stop reading this blog. I don’t have […]

Pulling in the same direction

Create an engaging culture Most commercial fee and bank appraisers operate solo. Many work from home. The lack of interaction with others diminishes the long-term happiness of working on the valuation side. Talking with your co-workers can significantly increase job satisfaction leading to ideation. It’s maximized when you understand the different personalities that people bring to the […]