Margin challenged environment: The Chief Appraiser’s role
How are your technology partners treating you in this margin challenged environment? Are they making your life easier or annoying you? Are you done? Strike

The Journey to Mastery: The Chief Appraiser’s Path
What makes a Chief Appraiser great? Mastery and success don’t come from the monumental moments but from the diligent, everyday tasks. The path to greatness

What’s the Deal with Details
Job Manager: “So, can you give me some details about this property? Loan Officer: “Sure, it’s a… building. Maybe brick? Definitely has windows.” I tease

Help banks make more loans with confidence
The appraisal department is a pivotal player that can bridge the gap between sound collateral protection and lenders making more loans safely. What if there

Digital Lag in Banking: Overlooking the Appraisal Department
The term “digital transformation” has been a buzzword in the banking sector for quite some time. While the industry has largely embraced technology, particularly in

Appraisal Department More Than Just Necessary
A Chief Appraiser friend of mine sometimes laments that the C-suite and lenders perceived him as a regulatory hurdle to overcome rather than a valuable