Why appraisers struggle with engagement letters
Bank: “Why don’t my appraisers read the entire engagement letter?” Appraisers: “It’s hard to find bank specific requirements in lengthy engagement letters.” Both side are

Bad monkey
Chief appraisers and commercial fee appraisers often don’t get training on time management, people management and how to be efficient. Sometimes they get bogged down

Is your workflow platform a dinghy?
Appraisal managers always playing “catch-up” If you work in the appraisal department at a bank, what keeps you up at night? In talking with job

It’s not you, it’s me, an unhealthy relationship
AMCs, an unhealthy relationship? Most fee appraisers loathe AMCs (appraisal management companies). Many feel they’re unprofessional, unknowledgeable with wildly inconsistent reviews and antiquated platforms phrenetical pinging for status updates. To be fair, there are a select few that are professional

Why some appraisers fear opportunity
Leading or hiding? Fear of failure holds back appraisers. Fear to risk anything. Sound familiar? Dominance of left brain thinking has limited our valuation industry.

Open to rethinking
What if you’re wrong? Few ask themselves that question. Most see the negative side of rethinking what we believe to be true. Indecisive as CEO