Appraisal department overload
Appraisal departments: absolutely swamped, understaffed, not enough people on my team, overwhelmed, don’t have the time, doing a job that’s meant for two people, working
Appraiser shortage, do you feel it?
Many commercial fee appraisers are currently turning down jobs. They’re reducing their coverage areas. Cherry picking the easier jobs. Increasing fees. That’s the case in July
What brings you here today?
“I work hard creating my appraisals; it frustrates me when reviewers ask for a bunch of revisions for a low fee.” – commercial fee appraiser. “It’s hard enough to
You can’t start a fire without a spark
Bad habits can show up as long hours at the office and weekend work. Good habits, software and well-implemented processes equals vacations. Most fee appraisers
Pulling in the same direction
Create an engaging culture Most commercial fee and bank appraisers operate solo. Many work from home. The lack of interaction with others diminishes the long-term happiness of
Evaluations explained
Commercial evaluations are like alpacas. No one really knows for sure what to do with them. Do they produce eggs or milk? Are they yummy
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Commercial Evaluation Report Template
Commercial evaluations that comply with USPAP.
Eval format that your department and fee appraisers can use right now.