Missed a spot
We recently purchased our HQ office building in downtown Tampa. I hired a commercial painter to paint a four level huge exterior metal fire escape.
Why trust is everything
Do bank appraisers trust their fee appraisers? Do appraisal firm owners trust their staff appraisers? An affirmative answer gives you productivity, efficiency and flow. Hesitation
Stick with it
Is being “swamped” an excuse to avoid taking the time to address internal bottlenecks and inefficiencies? As a commercial fee or bank appraiser are you
Come together
Is it time to step outside of our box? We’re not just bank appraisers.Bank appraisers are more than what’s between the covers of an appraisal.
The water cooler is dead
As the owner of an appraisal firm or appraisal manager of your department, you can no longer manage with the Ronco Rotisserie oven slogan, “Set
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Commercial Evaluation Report Template
Commercial evaluations that comply with USPAP.
Eval format that your department and fee appraisers can use right now.