It’s OK If You Weren’t Born Curious
I was born curious. So were you. And that’s good, very good. Now the bad news – we lose our curiosity once we are taught
The only question to ask
Strategic planning has come up in so many areas of my life lately, I figured it might be coming up in yours too. At its
The Productivity of Cows
The production levels of cows have gone through the roof and many who study this say it’s because of technology, process and some genetics. And

Tic…Toc… It’s Mid-Year – 5 Ways to Crush the Rest of 2019
It’s Mid-Year, “Come on” you say, “summer has just started.” Agreed. But it’s also mid-point in the business year and if you’re smart, you’ll take
Give Yourself an Upgrade
Why do we sometimes cheat ourselves? Why don’t we upgrade the tools and processes we rely on every day? Could it be because we’ve had
It’s a Time-Honored Principle
As you know, I get my inspiration for writing from my everyday experiences. I was fortunate to have an opportunity last week to work with