Appraisal Volume
You’re right. Your appraisal volume is overwhelming. “Focus you must, or pain you will feel.”Yoda Confessions of a stressed-out appraiser, “I struggled with managing my time…so I

Spinning your wheels
What’s the true cost to your appraisal department if your appraisal and environmental platform lacks the reporting you need? If your bank was being acquired, would they keep your current platform? If your department lacks

Why are you an appraiser?
Has your passion for appraising been replaced with fatigue? “Working hard for something we don’t care about is called stress; working hard for something we love is called

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
Appraiser IQ can be significantly improved if bank and fee appraisers get together. Talk. Not email. Appraisers in and outside of financial institutions have been siloed for years. Alone at their

Profitability and Process
Progressive financial institutions are making significant investment in technology. Those that delay don’t truly understand the efficiencies gained through implementing software solutions. Many appraisal departments are so

Is that appraisal good or bad?
Does your appraisal department make mistakes? It’s embarrassing to be wrong especially if its pushback from your RM or LO. Determine the productivity and happiness of your (often over-worked)